Photo Echo
Aperture Magazine
“Do you have an idea for Photo Echo? If so we’d love to hear about it” reads page 88 of the current issue of Aperture Magazine. I regret to inform you that originally I passed right by, and if it hadn’t been for the combination of Julia Roberts and George Clooney, I wouldn’t have given Photo Echo so much as a second glance. The unfortunate truth about advertisements is they too often get overlooked, especially when placed toward the back of the magazine.
As a senior in the art department at
Photo Echo is a competition sponsored by Aperture to gain readers and support. The prize of this competition is a free one year subscription to Aperture. (Students love “free”!) From a graphic design viewpoint, Aperture is utilizing this strategy to gain readers and support, I don’t feel the annoying pressure experienced when bombarded by internet pop-up ads for magazine subscriptions. Actually, quite the opposite occurs, my interest has been piqued.
Photo Echo is a comparison of one historical photograph with one contemporary photograph. Not only does this approach benefit Aperture but it also promotes awareness of Art History and familiarity with Contemporary Art, thereby, benefiting the readers as well.
That said, I am interested in submitting to this competition, however, I am confused. How often is this feature published? I noticed in Aperture Magazine, Issue no. 185 that Photo Echo was not included. What is the deadline? Also in the current Aperture, Issue no. 186, the published comparison is of both a book and a magazine cover: What are the criteria? Obviously submissions should be mailed, but I am unclear as to exactly what should be included (tear sheets, jpegs, tiffs). I have searched online to no avail for more detailed information. If there is more information online this should be stated with the address information in the excerpt.
This is a wonderful idea, and I might add a lovely layout, however I would like to participate but remain confused.
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